RAC Stops issuing Carnets


Staff member
May 26, 2013

9 Nov 2015 — We were made aware by the FIA several weeks ago that the RAC would cease to issue carnets in the UK before the end of the year.

At the time we did not feel it was right to share this news as it may have had an impact on jobs in the RAC.

Today the RAC have started to confirm publicly that they will cease issuing them before the year end.

During the last update we detailed that the FIA had completed their legal review.

They had come to the conclusion that the Letter of Non objection was not enforceable in the EU, and it is their belief that anyone in the EU should be allowed to apply for a carnet from any other issuer without barriers.

We believe the pressure we have put on these organisations to review the Global carnet agreement, and remove these barriers has hugely influenced the decision for the RAC to pull out of the market.

Going forward we do not have confirmation as to who will issue carnets for UK residents in the short term but hope to have some clarity in the near future.

We are also still pursuing our application to become carnet issuers in the UK and with the RAC withdrawing, it should make life a little easier. As mentioned before we will only issue carnets if we can provide comparable / cost effective rates…

Thank you to everyone who has supported this petition.

Once people start obtaining carnets from other sources we shall mark this petition as won!!
Update Regarding the ADAC

The ADAC has not yet been formally notified of changes to:

a) The global Carnet guarantee agreement
b) RAC ceasing to issue carnets
c) or instructed by the FIA to accept applications with out a Letter of Non objection

Until such time an formal changes have been implemented they still require a letter of non objection to be issued by the RAC.

The RAC recently recently release a statements detailing their decision to cease issuing carnets, in their statement they stated "Anyone applying for a carnet prior to 31st December 2015 will be given the option to purchase from another issuing club should they prefer."

So we expect that there should be no issues obtaining a Letter of non objection...

As normal the ADAC is not obliged to issue a carnet
Carnet update UK: The ADAC has today confirmed that from the 1st of January they will consider applications from UK residents without a letter of non objection. They are under no obligation to issue to UK citizens and will assess each application based on its own merits.

The ADAC acts as the “official” carnet issuer for a number of countries, however the UK is not one them…

We are still progressing with our application to issue carnets in the UK, however the talks with the HMRC are being drawn out and are not expected to be resolved until March 2016 at the earliest.