North America (USA Canada) CDP Carnet Information Boomerang Carnets

My Overland Adventure

Around the World in a Land Cruiser
Staff member
May 29, 2014
On The road
Prior to 2015, in North America the CAA would issue carnets to both US and Canadian residents.

Since 2015 the CAA no longer issues carnets.

CDP's are managed by both the AIT and FIA, normally local agreements exist, where an issuing country's association will agree to issue carnets on behalf of other countries, i.e Germany do this for a number of countries officially. i.e - The Netherlands, Denmark, Finland, and are happy to issue them to others at their own discretion like Ireland.

The current issue is that the FIA's new issuer has been delayed. No other issuer has agreed to formally issue them for north america, and those who might want to help may not always be able due to their own insurance limitations, currently we are aware that Malaysia, South Africa and off course the RAC may be willing to issue carnets to North Americans.

Current update 15 Oct 2015
Carnet Update North America: The new issuer has completed all required legal work with the FIA but is still progressing with authorisation from the government to issue CDP's (they currently issue ATA Carnets). This was due to have been completed a couple months ago and no one has any insight as to when it will be completed. Current advice, if travelling to Africa use the If going to Asia try, and if desperate the RAC will issue you a carnet. *since there is no current issuer you may apply to any Carnet Issuer, the issue is finding one which has 1) insurance to cover 2) offers reasonable rates 3) wants to issue you one. If you have success obtaining a carnet please post the details for others

For more information please see our FB Group
Carnet Update: North America December 2015

A new CDP Carnet issuer for North America (USA & Canada) has now been announced.

The new issuer will be:
Boomerang Carnets
ATA Carnet | Boomerang Carnets

Below is a copy of the information posted by the CAA: FIA Carnet de passages en Douane Issuer for North America Appointed

FIA Carnet de passages en Douane Issuer for North America Appointed
Published: DECEMBER 16, 2015
CAA is pleased to announce the new issuing authority for the Federation Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) Carnet de passages en Douane (CPD) in North America.

The FIA has appointed the Corporation for International Business (a.k.a.) Boomerang Carnets℠ based in Barrington, Illinois as its new Service Provider of CPD services for Canada and the U.S.. CPD processing and distribution services will be offered under the brand name Boomerang Carnets℠ to take on the task of administering the FIA Carnet program for AAA and CAA members as well as non-members in both the U.S. and Canada.

The Corporation for International Business’ founding family has a history in the international trade and transportation industries dating back to the early 1900s. A long-time issuer of the commercial ATA Carnets, Boomerang Carnets℠ will use this experience to expand its portfolio to include the FIA Carnet de passages en Douane for tourism purposes.

Prospective FIA Carnet customers are invited to use the following contact information:

Boomerang Carnets℠ C/O

Corporation for International Business (CIB)

325 North Hough Street, 2nd Floor

Barrington, IL 60010 USA

Carnet HelpLine℠ 1-800-282-2900℠

Mobile Carnet HelpLine℠ 1-847-638-8325

Fax: 1-847-381-3857

The contact information form can also be used for enquiries located at:

Contact Us | ATA Carnet or email us at

Current holders of existing CAA issued Carnets must, on their expiry, return them for discharge to:

CAA National Office

500-1545 Carling Avenue

Ottawa, Ontario, K1Z 8P9, Canada

Should a replacement Carnet be required, it must be requested from Boomerang Carnets℠.

CAA is a federation of nine clubs providing over 6 million Members with exceptional emergency roadside service, complete automotive and travel services, member savings and comprehensive insurance services. CAA also advocates on issues of concern to its members, including road safety, the environment, mobility, infrastructure and consumer protection.