UK - FCO Philippines



Latest Update: Clashes are underway between government forces and militants in Marawi City, Mindanao. If you’re in Marawi City you should remain indoors, monitor media reporting, and follow the advice of the Philippine authorities. On May 23 2017, martial law for the whole of Mindanao was declared for 60 days. The implications aren't yet clear, but government officials have said measures will include the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus, the imposition of curfews and establishment of checkpoints. Some airlines servicing Mindanao are offering pre-booked customers alternative options to taking their scheduled flight, in light of this announcement. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office continue to advise against all travel to western and parts of central Mindanao including Marawi City; and against all but essential travel to the remainder of Mindanao. If you don’t have essential reason to travel to the remainder of Mindanao, you should consider the implications of martial law and consider reviewing your plans whilst it is in place.

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