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  • G
    GOV.UK posted the thread UK - FCO San Marino in Travel Advisories.
    This travel advice was reviewed for style and accuracy. Continue reading...
  • G
    GOV.UK posted the thread UK - FCO Samoa in Travel Advisories.
    Information on the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting between 20 and 26 October and expected disruption ('Warnings and insurance'...
  • G
    GOV.UK posted the thread UK - FCO Mexico in Travel Advisories.
    Information on Tropical Storm Chris ('Warnings and insurance’ page). Continue reading...
  • G
    GOV.UK posted the thread UK - FCO Trinidad and Tobago in Travel Advisories.
    Updated information on a hurricane likely to hit the region in the following week (‘Warnings and insurance’ page)’ Continue reading...
  • G
    GOV.UK posted the thread UK - FCO Grenada in Travel Advisories.
    A hurricane likely to hit the region in the following week Continue reading...
  • G
    Updated information. A hurricane likely to hit the region in the following week (‘Warnings and insurance’ page)’. Continue reading...
  • G
    GOV.UK posted the thread UK - FCO St Lucia in Travel Advisories.
    Updated information on a hurricane likely to hit the region in the following week (‘Warnings and insurance’ page)’. Continue reading...
  • G
    GOV.UK posted the thread UK - FCO Barbados in Travel Advisories.
    A hurricane likely to hit the region in the following week Continue reading...
  • G
    GOV.UK posted the thread UK - FCO Serbia in Travel Advisories.
    Information on an attack in Savski Venac (Safety and Security) Continue reading...
  • G
    GOV.UK posted the thread UK - FCO Antigua and Barbuda in Travel Advisories.
    Updated information on the hurricane season in the Caribbean (‘Warnings and insurance’ page)’. Continue reading...
  • G
    GOV.UK posted the thread UK - FCO St Kitts and Nevis in Travel Advisories.
    Updated information on the hurricane season in the Caribbean (‘Warnings and insurance’ page)’ Continue reading...
  • G
    GOV.UK posted the thread UK - FCO Dominica in Travel Advisories.
    Updated information on the hurricane season in the Caribbean (‘Warnings and insurance’ page)’. Continue reading...
  • G
    GOV.UK posted the thread UK - FCO France in Travel Advisories.
    Updated information about industrial action and demonstrations (‘Safety and security’ page). Continue reading...
  • G
    GOV.UK posted the thread UK - FCO Kenya in Travel Advisories.
    Updated information on protests across Kenya ('Safety and security' page). Continue reading...
  • G
    GOV.UK posted the thread UK - FCO Laos in Travel Advisories.
    Information that from 1 July to 31 December visas on arrival and eVisas will be valid for 60 days and that multiple entry 60-day visas...